Saturday, December 20, 2008

Showing Up Due to Hugh Jackman

A friend of ours has her own blog and since she's seen my journalistic talent and amazing penchant for the truth she has now linked to me. The photo above is what shows up on her site. I figured with Hugh's kinda-ok body it would be a big draw for those associating this 'James' to that hunky stud.

So... for those new readers who merely clicked on the link because of hunky photo, I'm sorry to say but that's not me. I'm MUCH better looking as noted in my "Girls Night Out" post.

My blog exists because of my wife's inability to share the complete truth on her blog. It is an exhausting process but I look to all my faithful readers (4 now! Thanks Christa) to help me get through it.

Too Humorous to Pass Up

Those who have been reading this blog know that I run a pretty thin line reporting the truth. This video was sent to me by my mom. Not sure if she is hinting about something but I figured I would put this up so that others could enjoy the sad truth of this video.

Thankfully since I'm a rockstar husband I'll never be there... right honey?

Friday, December 19, 2008

Girls Night Out

Why is it that us men take so much abuse from our wives? We give them the world and what do they do but go out and oogle Hugh Jackman's shirtless body in some movie!

Come on! What's so hunky about this?!?!

I mean really... Doesn't he look all sweaty and very likely stinky in this photo?

And the worst offensive photo I've seen on the web. Please, don't go further if you have a queasy stomach...because this one just is HORRIBLE!

.Please, don't go further!
.I warned you this photo should not be on such a clean blog as 2nd Street Response
!!!!!!!!![Shrieking horror movie music playing in background]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If we do a side by side comparison he doesn't look THAT much better

[Disclaimer: Admitting slight airbrushing]

Why Hugh, when she has this hunky stud muffin at home? I ask my faithful readers why? Why?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Husbands, I know you're out there

I'm not home every night but now with school done for the semester I'm able to be home more often. You think that would be something my entire family would be happy with.

Well... Aidan is happy because he knows I'm always up for a good wrestling session. His excitement is palpable.

Naphtali? Not so much. Not even a palpitation when I step through the door.

There's the understandable, "You should be home more often." Well tonight I'm home and what happens? She's in the kitchen cooking something (as always) and I come in to say hi along with a few pullups in the kitchen (the guy photos need to be updated and I don't have those handy elbow straps).

I'm a demonstrative guy and typically take the opportunity to cozy up while her hands are full of batter. Tonight did I do that? No, I was merely standing in the middle of the kitchen resting from my last set of pull ups when Naphtali said, "Don't!"

Sure I was standing behind her and perhaps she thought I might go for some passionate embrace or something but that's not at all what I had in mind (at THAT precise moment. I was actually looking at a cookie at THAT precise moment).

So I don't win when I'm away and I don't win I'm home. I know there must be husbands who experience the same challenges. I'm starting a support group called H.U.R.T. (Husbands Under Ridiculous T) Its late and I know I'll find a 'T' word that fits later.

Now, I'm off to bed wondering how I can be the best possible husband.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Veritas. The truth must be told!

Still no update from Naphtali's blog so I feel my duty is to inform the world (again framing 'world' as 3 blog readers) of the truth! You'll need to have read my previous truth post and Naphtali's (not so true) blog post.

It all comes down to this. Please note the three highlighted areas as these will be discussed throughout this kangaroo court.

Evidence #1: Leaning Lamp

What Martha Stewart-esque woman would allow such a travesty? I give you.... Naphtali

Evidence #2: Blanket Badness

I noticed this crumpled blanket and straightened if after my poker party. Here I thought I was cleaning up the living room. I was informed that the defendant had it that way on purpose. I give you... Naphtali

Evidence #3: Bowl of Balls

First of all, who would EVER decorate by filling a bowl full of balls?!?! I mean if they were golf balls and that was some sod from Augusta I could understand but really? AND, who would put it under a chair? I give you... Naphtali

So as you have seen there is sufficient evidence to show that the living room was indeed cleaner AFTER the poker party. I rest my case.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Blog response! Blog response!

I don't have the time to go in-depth at the moment. (Trust me I will!)

Naphtali's latest post (Christmas Baking) needs to be slightly corrected...

Do you see the picture of Aidan and me making the cookies? Take notice of the little silver spritzer machine I was using. Naphtali must have had a mini-stroke because she missed the reason we went downstairs.

Why Naphtali? I'll let you post a full blog response in apology for making us look lazy when actually we were working on our fine motor skills.

Here why: The dough coming out of the spritzer was too soft so Naphtali suggested we put it in the fridge to let it cool off. Since Aidan and I are so productive we didn't want to just stand in the kitchen twidling our thumbs. Instead Aidan and I became Batman and Robin legos. Yes legos on the Wii.

So... those 3 faithful readers of my blog (Naphtali being one) should be seeing a followup response from Naphtali to her slanderous blog post now that her husband has reminded her of how the night transpired.

Those new to my blog (which, be honored, that would make you the 4th) must know that the only reason this blog exists is to correct stories that didn't quite get told the way they should.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

One of these photos is not like the other

Examine them closely. A test will follow. Which is James' cleaning and which is Naphtali's?

I'm posting this as Naphtali is busy re-cleaning our living room. I had a group of guys over to play poker last night while she was out at a Christmas concert. I didn't tell her that we would be playing the Wii in the living room using a white sheet over the window. That involved just a slight bit of rearranging.

Knowing my wife's cleaning habits [See clinical definition of her condition ;)] I figured I should take a photo before us guys set to moving things. I'm certainly glad I did as you can see from the photos above.

So... I ask you, my two faithful blog readers, which do you think is my cleaning versus hers.

Here we needed to use this furniture for the projector. All that 'stuff' on top had to be returned to its original position.

The picture where the window is dark is hers.