Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Blog response! Blog response!

I don't have the time to go in-depth at the moment. (Trust me I will!)

Naphtali's latest post (Christmas Baking) needs to be slightly corrected...

Do you see the picture of Aidan and me making the cookies? Take notice of the little silver spritzer machine I was using. Naphtali must have had a mini-stroke because she missed the reason we went downstairs.

Why Naphtali? I'll let you post a full blog response in apology for making us look lazy when actually we were working on our fine motor skills.

Here why: The dough coming out of the spritzer was too soft so Naphtali suggested we put it in the fridge to let it cool off. Since Aidan and I are so productive we didn't want to just stand in the kitchen twidling our thumbs. Instead Aidan and I became Batman and Robin legos. Yes legos on the Wii.

So... those 3 faithful readers of my blog (Naphtali being one) should be seeing a followup response from Naphtali to her slanderous blog post now that her husband has reminded her of how the night transpired.

Those new to my blog (which, be honored, that would make you the 4th) must know that the only reason this blog exists is to correct stories that didn't quite get told the way they should.


On Second Street said...

naphtali1that is such a load of crap. You might to do well to remember that you asked forcookies for your friends, and rather than have them eat a whole batch of spritz, i said we would bake a variety, and at that point, when i was at the computer getting a recipe, you dissapeared.

BlogWithinABlog said...

Please Naphtali! This is a PG blog. We use the word 'poop' here NOT 'crap'

So, you are free to say "That is such a load of poop"

I guess I didn't know they had recipes on facebook. Hmmm?

Are there other husbands out there who endure this? "I'm just going into Target to get a gallon of milk." 40 minutes later and a full shopping cart later she emerges.

"I'm just getting a recipe off the computer...from Rachel Rae...ooohhh what's this....that is a cool craft....I have to tell my friend on facebook about this...(on and on for 40 minutes)...Arrives back in kitchen to find the men gone...takes camera and snaps photo of hunky studs...blogs that they are lazy...husband forced to respond...Aidan burps...

Valerie said...

So did the cookies get made? Let's get down to what is important here.

ilona said...

oh boy!

BlogWithinABlog said...

Cookies made, cookies eaten. As the sands in the hour glass, so are the days of our lives. [Cue the soap opera music]