Thursday, December 11, 2008

Veritas. The truth must be told!

Still no update from Naphtali's blog so I feel my duty is to inform the world (again framing 'world' as 3 blog readers) of the truth! You'll need to have read my previous truth post and Naphtali's (not so true) blog post.

It all comes down to this. Please note the three highlighted areas as these will be discussed throughout this kangaroo court.

Evidence #1: Leaning Lamp

What Martha Stewart-esque woman would allow such a travesty? I give you.... Naphtali

Evidence #2: Blanket Badness

I noticed this crumpled blanket and straightened if after my poker party. Here I thought I was cleaning up the living room. I was informed that the defendant had it that way on purpose. I give you... Naphtali

Evidence #3: Bowl of Balls

First of all, who would EVER decorate by filling a bowl full of balls?!?! I mean if they were golf balls and that was some sod from Augusta I could understand but really? AND, who would put it under a chair? I give you... Naphtali

So as you have seen there is sufficient evidence to show that the living room was indeed cleaner AFTER the poker party. I rest my case.


christa said...

i have to be honest, james. when i saw your two pictures of the living room, i thought the first was naphtali's and the second was your "attempt" to clean after your poker party. but it's sad you had to take pictures to know what it looked like before you messed it up.

oh, and now you have four people that read your blog. unles you were counting me in the "three".

BlogWithinABlog said...

Hey thanks for the note. I always appreciate that people read my blog.

Going to see a shrink is expensive but at least I know someone is hearing my side of the story.

I know there are husbands out there who hear my cries. Make yourselves known! [sob sob] [weep weep]