Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Beauty of Ugliness

As I continue to reflect on my future as an unemployed person I've come to realize the cathartic experience I get from blogging. Yes, I know 2nd Street Response serves absolutely no purpose other than to further clutter the already chaotic infrastructure we've come to know as the internet (thank you Al Gore), fortunately my blog and I don't struggle with existentialism. Instead we embrace the utter waste of time that is sunk into providing endless nothingness.

My readers (can we increase our readership to double digits by 2010?!?! YES WE CAN!) (Ok, no we can't but that's not important right now) are the ones who should be concerned. Seriously, have you given thought to the lack of productivity you are expressing while reading this? You should be ashamed of yourself!

What IS important is that I'm going to try and provide my readers with something that is edifying. Granted my song in the last blog post still has me emotionally on edge. Such a compelling piece...

If you remember back I mentioned how Naphtali doesn't take the information I suggest for her blog. Something about it being her blog and I should go and create my own... blah blah blah...

So here are a few more 'recommendations' on food stuff from a guy who only eats cereal when at home alone. [Comments welcome. i.e. ones that say, "Naphtali, how could you not have taken these tips from James? I'm going to start keeping James' blog as my primary resource for all things important and when he refers to you I MIGHT check out what you have to say" Yeah, something along those lines should do]

Read this entry on the latest killer online recipe site.

You say you only have Tuna and Oatmeal in your cupboard? Well I could tell you that they go together extraordinarily well. If you are like most flat earth people you probably think that is disgusting. For the enlightened I offer up this website as a way to figure out what to make based on what's on your shelves.

Why do 2 week old leftovers have to start stinking in the refrigerator? (And why doesn't Naphtali ever allow stuff to stay in the fridge until I think it should be thrown out?) Use this trick to freshen up your fridge.

Don't you just hate it when you start on your latest culinary treat only to discover you're missing an ingredient? Arghh, happens to me ALL the time! Well use this handy dandy guide for quick baking substitutes.

I really have no idea if these are worth anything. But do I really care? Nope.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The End... of the end of that ending thing

Naphtali has done a good job of letting the world know that I'm losing (lost) my job. Our primary benefactor lost tons of money to Bernie Madoff who needs to take a trip to Singapore for a little caning of his tushy. Oh well. Like all non-profits we all were in a hurt box.

Well... today was my last day. Yes, I am a packrat who likes to keep things as memories. (Now humming "Memories") My beloved co-worker made the comment as I was leaving that she had been working for 25 years and in 2 years I had accumulated more 'stuff' than she had. To that I responded with the appropriate, "Slacker!"

[Short aside- I'm now listening to my favorite Jean Valjean: Colm Wilkinson. If I have a man crush on Hugh Jackman I have a voice crush on Colm. Too bad he doesn't sing the song that makes me tear up every time. "Empty Chairs at Empty Tables"]

[Short aside over... almost] I see a strong correlation between what my co-workers will likely be singing tomorrow. Instead it will be "Empty Office without James" Same passion and sorrow of course.

Listen to the link and then follow along with my awe enspiring lyrics. Andrew Lloyd Webber should be quaking in his boots.

"Empty Office Without James"
Written, Directed, Choreographed, Published, etc by: James

There's a grief that can't be spoken. There's a pain goes on and on. Empty office without James. Now my co-worker is laid off and gone. Here he talked of Entrepreneurship. Here it was he lit the flame (of entrepreneurship in other students). Here he sang about tomorrow...and how our generation can lead the way.

From the corner office on the top floor he could see a world reborn. And he rose with the telephone ringing. And we can hear him now, the very words that he had said. became our last true blessing. in the lonely office space.... without him....

Oh my friends my friends forgive me, that I talk all the time about James. There's a grief that can't be spoken. There's a pain goes on and on. James' picture he placed on the door. A 'James' floormat on the floor. Empty office without James. Now my sorrows will cease no more. Oh my friends my friends. Don't ask me, how I can live without him here. Empty office without James. Now James will be here........ no more...........

[Aside now over. I present you with electronic tissues to wipe away the tears from such a beautiful song]

To top the day off I was invited to play some basketball with a few undergrads. Them young wippersnappers! Go figure, threw my back out. Getting old... I need to write a "Dear Hugh" letter and see how he would cope with this situation. Naphtali saw me hobbling around and though it was due to all the boxes I brought home. They are now neatly placed next to the boxes I packed up when leaving Medtronic 2 years ago. Hopefully not to suffer the same fate of neglect.

So during this unemployment period I'll try to catch up on the blogging. I was starting to get hate mail coming in from people who had their significant other pass out while holding their breath waiting for my next post.