The other night Aidan and I were at the gym. We like to go into a racquetball court and throw balls around. I guess that could make me lazy or incredibly smart. Just means you don't have to run the entire length of a basketball court recovering a loose ball.
We worked on dribbling basketballs (have to work on the left hand soon), bounce passes (step and throw, it'll come) and trying to throw the ball at the other guy as he runs around like a rabbit (Aidan's favorite).
Well during the bounce pass practice we switched to a racquetball. One of my tosses bounced on the floor and hit him in the "MAN ZONE". Aidan recovered the ball and exclaimed, "You hit me in the pee pee!" (But it was what followed that made it priceless) "Just like this!" Aidan raised the ball above his head and proceeded to bring it down square on his "MAN ZONE" It makes me cringe just typing this.
I'm not sure at what age a man begins to appreciate the need to protect that area from injury at all cost but it apparently doesn't occur until after 4.75years old. Right now he's more afraid of getting hit in the face. That'll change... most definitely...
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