Well today I've decided I'm going to start venturing into Naphtali's expertise and see if I too can't provide something meaningful (please spare me the comments on the lack of meaning or sense to my blog)
I'm such a loving husband that often I'll find a great article or tidbit that I think Naphtali's readers would thoroughly enjoy. I know I've sent at least a dozen great articles that I know you dedicated readers would enjoy. Of those articles how many have shown up on her blog?!?! ZERO. (I'm currently being treated for a salt deficiency due to my crying myself to bed every night)
So, here is the first of many that will be sure to have you on the edge of your computer seat waiting to see what will come next.
How to Grow Herb Gardens Indoors
Make Heart Shaped Cupcakes without a Special Pan (Yes, this was one sent to Naphtali when I was thinking warm gushy thoughts leading up to Valentines)
Use Butter to Keep Cheese Soft and Unspoiled
And because I know that there HAS to be a husband out there who needs the support of a blog like mine. Some I bet you didn't know facts
I know there were specific posts from Naphtali that I should be responding to but I'm tired and am going to bed. Naphtali is currently in the other room sewing so I'll be crawling into a cold lonely bed tonight (Reminds me that I have to take that medication for my tear ducts)
Hang in there faithful readers. I will be getting more blog responses out shortly.