Naphtali should play poker. She's forced a move on my part with her latest blog entry.
Yes, I got a little domestic with my desire to create these white chocolate pretzel delights. How? Because lately I've been spending hour after hour at our local Caribou Coffee shop. They have these $0.85 jumbo pretzels with white chocolate for sale (which I've never purchased). For those who know me they'll know that I HATE to waste money. I'm not a huge coffee fan and would love to purchase a foofoo drink but unfortunately those $4.50 drinks add up. So... what am I 'forced' to buy but a small 'coffee of the day'. $1.71 is still expensive but I work hard to guess their trivia for an extra $0.10 off! Hour after hour and refill after refill all while enjoying a phenomenal wi-fi connection. Thanks Caribou!!!!!!

I was thinking of the amount of time I spend in these coffee shops. (In a Caribou right now writing this blog! This time I'm on the west side of town after getting some excellent feedback from one of Minnesota's most successful entrepreneurs)
Ahhh... blogs are so liberating! I've just rambled on about caribou when the original intent was to respond to the whole white chocolate binge purchase.
So, departing Caribou and likely approaching lethal blood/caffeine levels, I needed to pick up some milk and decided PRIOR to entering Target that I would purchase the pretzels and chocolate necessary to make the culinary delights!
(I like the word culinary) I'm wondering if it has origins with the word Cull
:to reduce or control the size of (as a herd) by removal (as by hunting) of especially weaker animals ; also : to hunt or kill (animals) as a means of population control
Think of that as you are munching on your Cullinary Thanksgiving meal.
Which brings me to the complicated word MANKIND. Perhaps it could be easily understood if we broke the word down. MANK and IND , nope, still too complicated to understand and thus why we are a complicated species.
So I came home with the chocolate bits and pretzels. Did my lovely wife's jaw (I had draw here for a while) drop when she saw my artistic cooking juices flowing? No. Instead she questioned what was wrong with me.
You think after 7 years of marriage she would realize that 'wrong' is relative when it comes to me (as I look back on this entire blog post and question my messed up train of thought)
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And if anyone actually read my blog then this would likely be sponsored by some ADHD drug.